Salon Rentals – A New & Rapidly Growing Franchise Opportunity

Watch how Phenix Salon Suites – the leader in the Health, Beauty & Wellness Salon rental business – is revolutionizing the beauty & health industry – and creating opportunities for franchisees.     Help find locations for new facilities and leasing Assist in securing construction financing Assist in finding tenants Ongoing training opportunities to help with […]

Become a Superhero in Your Community

Join PuroClean® the “Paramedics of Property Damage”   Founded in 1990, PuroClean® is one of those rare businesses with a low cost of entry and almost limitless growth potential.  What do they do? “We handle water damage, fire damage, mold, biohazards, for both residential and commercial businesses,” says Tim Courtney, vice president of franchise operations at […]

8 Commonsense Ways for Building Value in Your Company 3

8 Great Ways to Build Value in Your Company – And Score a BIG Payoff

Hard work, common sense and a commitment to customer service can build tremendous value in a company – and potentially lead to a very big payoff. Overview Ten years ago, two brothers from South Africa came to America looking to make it in the music business. After studying at Boston’s fabled Berklee College of Music, Gary […]

Immigrants' Daughter Finds Her Bliss With Travel Franchise 1

Immigrants’ Daughter Finds Her Bliss Booking Dream Vacations

Doing what you really love out of the comfort of your own home sounds too good to be true, but this daughter of immigrants, has created a thriving business doing just that! Aggie Batista was born and raised in New York City, but comes from a classic immigrant family. Her mother, a member of a […]

Memories of Hunger Drives Immigrant to Succeed 1

Memories of Hunger Drives Immigrant to Succeed

 Name: Mike Gelfgot; Country of Origin: Uzbekistan; Immigrated to US: 1993; Franchise Name: Anytime Fitness; Launched: 2010; Franchises Owned: 23; Estimated Annual Revenue: $9.8 million: Jobs Created: 200   As a child in Soviet Uzbekistan, Mike Gelfgot had to steal food to help his family survive, and he’s used those painful memories to drive him […]

Cruise Your Way to Financial Success and Indepence 1

Cruise Your Way to Success and Independence

Now you can own a piece of the $4 billion cruise industry — the hottest segment in travel – as it ramps up for even bigger growth. And the cost of entry to this life changing opportunity is remarkably affordable. Industry Overview The cruise industry in the United States has grown 68% in the last […]

Pestmaster franchise

Volunteer Firefighter’s Community Involvement Drives Business Success

Working hand-in glove with the franchisor and becoming a visible part of the community have made Pestmaster Services a force to be reckoned with in New York’s Hudson Valley, Although he grew up on the sunny beaches of Florida, Paul Alley (pictured above, right) headed to the cold northeast when it came time to build a […]

How To Win Government Contracts

4 Steps to Winning Lucrative Government Contracts

Immigrant entrepreneurs, earn government contracts in this step-by-step plan from the experts and learn to take your business to the next level! Immigrant entrepreneur Lloyd Hawthorne launched his Bronx-based Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery in New York City in 1989, turning it into a successful, nationwide franchisor selling popular Jamaican fare. But his first really big […]

From After School Job to $4 Million Business 5

From After School Job to $4 Million Business

Learn how a kid from New Jersey turned his after school job installing burglar alarms into a multi-million dollar security and home entertainment business.  Most Jewish boys save their bar mitzvah gifts for college tuition, or a trip to Europe, but Gary Leff took his money and financed a security business now worth $4 million a year. He got his […]