Young Republicans Say Immigrants Make U.S. Stronger

Young Republicans Say Immigrants Make U.S. Stronger

In stark contrast to the inflammatory rhetoric of GOP presidential candidates, a recent survey shows that 51 percent of young Republicans say immigrants make the country stronger.

The Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group, reported that 63 percent of Republicans under 30 said they supported giving immigrants a chance to become citizens if they met certain requirements. Only 20 percent of young Republicans said they would identify and deport them. That’s a far cry from the “build a wall” policies of Donald Trump, who along with Ted Cruz have called for the mass deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Could this be an ominous sign for the GOP this fall? The survey has created significant media buzz, with the New York Times reporting that “young Republicans are much more likely to have favorable views of immigration and to support a path to citizenship for immigrants in the United States illegally than are older Republican voters … the divide could mean trouble in the general election for either of the two leading Republican candidates.”

The survey also concluded that both GOP candidates would have to soften their positions to motivate young Republicans to vote in November.

“A really hard line on immigration has the potential not just to fall flat but to push off younger Republicans,” said Robert P. Jones, the chief executive of the research institute.

Foulis Peacock, founder of Immigrant Business, said the survey reflects the norm for the younger generation. “Millennials grew up in a more diverse America, and that diversity includes immigrants,” says Peacock. “They may be working for an immigrant CEO, or their significant other may be an immigrant. They know and accept that immigrants are important part of American story and a driving force in a successful, growing economy.”

This story was UPDATED on March 30, 2016.


iIts my pleasure to get this experience to see America , And known more information about this amazing Country

The younger people just dont see the big deal about immigration, they dont fear people based on looks or background… good for them…

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