How To Make It In America

How To Make It In America

Rohit Arora built a $14 million company from nothing. Read his advice on how to succeed in America.

We asked Rohit Arora what advice he’d give to a would-be Immpreneur:

Q. What are the advantages to being an entrepreneur in this country?

a) People in the U.S. get excited by things that are new. We are restless souls here. But it means there’s a willingness to adopt new products, technologies, services.

b) The legal structure is also better than most places. If you sign a contract, it’s going to be respected.

c) There’s also not a lot of red tape compared to many other countries.

Q. What advice do you have for immigrant entrepreneurs?

a) Focus on cost. Don’t try to grow a company that’s not a long-term sustainable business. Don’t just go out and say, “I’m going to follow my dreams.” Have a plan. Know what you need funding for and if there’s a better way to get a bang for the buck.

b) A lot of immigrants have passion and hard work, but not enough planning. People in the U.S. do a lot of planning and marketing. Learn from the best and don’t be shy.

c) Also, you should play to your strengths. That means leveraging your global connections and outlook, as well as your ability to communicate in multiple languages.

Q. What are the advantages you have being an immigrant in America?

a) Your global perspective and being multilingual—those are big advantages. You can understand different cultures, and that’s very important.

b) As an immigrant, you also tend to be hungrier and more hard-working.

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